Essay by P. Loogan Windbag III
Can he swing….from a thread? It is a question that begs
consideration. Can any of us swing from threads…or, is our complex
day to day life a series of "threads" that we cling to on an ongoing
basis? Stephens seems to be asking us to contemplate the exigencies
of our common existence.
His use of a pig…an existential flap, meant to provoke a visceral
response from the viewer. Are we fat consumers of life, destined to
swing madly from thread to thread, or is he trying to get us to see
ourselves as part of nature's great, and perfect whole. We will
never know.
Pardon…you say it's based on "The Simpsons Movie"? THE SIMPSONS
MOVIE?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What the @&%@!!!!&&%$@!!! Okay, never mind!
P. Loogan Windbag III, Verbose Commentator on Life the Universe and